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Brain & Behaviour for Growth
Readings & Important information
eBook: Brain & Behaviour - The Guide for Growth
Key insights summary
Access to the Cognitive Biases Database
Chapter 1. Eagle-Eye View: Brain & Behaviour explained
1.0 Welcome to Brain & Behaviour for Growth (1:26)
1.1 What is Brain & Behaviour? (2:43)
1.2 Can you trust your eyes? (2:35)
1.3 Predictably irrational (4:55)
1.4 The benefits of Brain & Behaviour (6:08)
1.5 Meet your instructors (0:56)
1.6 The ethics of psychology in business (4:22)
1.7 Takeaways (6:44)
2. Key Principles: The Building Blocks of Brain & Behaviour
2.0 Chapter intro (5:53)
2.1 Why principles? (1:54)
2.2 The brain in three parts (4:30)
2.3 Attention: a reflexive and intuitive mechanism (5:00)
2.4 Prediction machines and pattern recognition (2:50)
2.5 Associative networks (4:06)
2.6 Perception is fundamentally different from reality (5:20)
2.7 95% of our decisions are subconscious (5:03)
2.8 Takeaways (2:35)
Chapter 3. Brain-centric approach: Deconstructing your challenge
3.0 The Brain-centric approach: What is it? (3:16)
3.1 Why use it? (3:13)
3.2 Put it in context (3:32)
3.3 Get practical (5:56)
3.4 Takeaways (3:40)
Chapter 4. Decision-making: Leveraging predictable irrationality
4.0 Decision-making (2:44)
4.1 A tale of two systems (3:01)
4.2 Who is in charge? (7:46)
4.3 Designer choices (9:16)
4.4 Being a choice architect (8:03)
4.5 Context: Why we use heuristics (5:25)
4.6 Takeaways (4:28)
Chapter 5. Cognitive biases: Navigating the subconscious
5.0 Cognitive Biases (2:13)
5.1 Finish strong: The Peak-end Rule (6:02)
5.2 Hook, line, and sinker: The Anchoring Effect (10:38)
5.3 I hate losing - Loss Aversion (3:49)
5.4 I was right all along: Confirmation Bias (6:28)
5.5 Keep it simple: Processing Fluency (4:37)
5.7 Love it or your money back: Zero Risk Bias (3:59)
5.6 Look here: The Decoy Effect (2:51)
5.8 Spoiled for your choice: The Paradox of Choice (4:31)
5.9 How lazy can one be: The Default Effect (4:42)
5.10 The invisible hand: The Priming Effect (4:50)
5.11 This bias belongs to you: The Endowment Effect (5:10)
5.12 Glass half empty or half full?: The Framing Effect (5:09)
5.13 You're not done yet: The Zeigarnik Effect (5:18)
5.14 A note on biases (3:02)
5.15 Looking back on biases (conclusion) (3:43)
Chapter 6. Behavioural change: Building your toolkit
6.0 Chapter intro (6:44)
6.1 Grabbing attention: How to stand out (6:47)
6.2 Holding attention: Make it relevant (7:38)
6.3 Friction: Barriers of behaviour (12:52)
6.4 Unconscious: The power of subliminal influence (6:02)
6.5 Boosting your customers' motivation (16:47)
6.6 The Science of persuasion (14:42)
6.7 Takeaways (4:17)
Chapter 7. Operationalisation: Turning tactics into action
7.0 Chapter Intro (3:22)
7.1 A peek into Neurofied consultancy (2:07)
7.2 A good cause: Psychology in fundraising (3:52)
7.3 New heights: The perception of delay in customer experience (5:02)
7.4 Make it last: Changing behaviour beyond nudging (9:41)
7.5 Why it works: The science of smudging (10:48)
7.6 Nudge then smudge: The step-by-step approach (11:53)
7.7 The outside world: Apple's competitive advantage (8:49)
7.8 Mac Pro: A masterclass in anchoring (4:29)
7.9 Apple: Why tactics can't beat strategy (4:17)
7.10 Dominos: Psychological backfiring (4:59)
7.11 Garmin: Outnudging the government (9:20)
7.12 Adobe: From free user to paying customer (11:59)
7.13 Concluding remarks (3:06)
7.14 Your Cognitive Biases database tutorial (6:11)
7.15 Takeaways (4:13)
Closing remarks - and a big congratulations! (9:31)
4.6 Takeaways
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